meet the puppies!


the colorful beagle puppy

cookie is a fun loving puppy who's always excited to try new things and meet new people! they're the sweetest pup around and always looking for a treat!

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the colorful terrier puppy

Scarlet is a sweet little terrier with a heart of gold and a surprisingly green thumb for their pink and orange paws! They love flowers and spending time outdoors in the garden, as well as spending time with their friends.

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the colorful corgi puppy

Daisy the corgi is always on the go! They love to hike outdoors when it's warm and play in the snow when it's cold, but they also love a good cuddle and always want to be near you! They're a loyal friend and love you every second they can.

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the colorful collie puppy

Nebula may be out of this world but they'll never be out of your heart! Nebula loves to spend time with friends and do all they can to let them know they're loved. They also love to collect space themed items and toys, since it reminds them of their name.

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the colorful shepherd puppy

Beau takes the title of silly goose very seriously and is on a special secret mission to make everyone smile. They're constantly playing around and trying to spread joy to their friends by getting them to laugh. They often consider themself a doctor since they think laughter is the best medicine.

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the colorful husky puppy

beans is always a little tired but full of fun surprises when they're not taking a quick nap! they love to play lighthearted pranks on their friends that are really more of kind things to do, like putting an extra treat in your bag and thinking 'they'll be so confused when they find this treat'. They love to joke but most of all love their friends!

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the colorful lab puppy

sprinkle is always in the middle of a new grand adventure! They love to travel and they'll go anywhere with you if you ask. having fun with their friends is all they want to do, and if they get to see exciting new things along the way, all the better! They love to play games and learn new ones as well.

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the colorful heeler puppy

whatever you're working on, sadie wants to help out! they love to help in the kitchen, in the garden, even doing laundry - as long as they're spending time with you! Sadie always aims to please but makes sure that they're taking time for themself too, and isn't afraid to ask their friends for help if they need it.

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the colorful shiba puppy

Salad is a silly little pup who's always a little hungry! They're constantly on the hunt for their favorite snacks, like carrots and green peas, or a spoonful of peanut butter. They love to share the treats they find with their friends since they taste even better when you're sharing with someone you love.

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the colorful spaniel puppy

Abbie has a quite little voice when they talk, but they love to sing! They're always humming their current favorite song and love to listen to music and go to concerts. One day they'd like to learn to play an instrument and make music of their own! They love to sing along with their friends when they're spending time together.

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the colorful chihuahua puppy

Mango may be small, but they have the biggest heart! They're always thinking of their friends and how they can help them and make them happy! Mango loves to paint and draw and has fun making pictures for their friends of their favorite things. They hope to be a great artist one day!

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the colorful poodle puppy

Kirby is so full of love and joy and spreads it to everyone they meet! Their happy smile is contagious and they're not shy about sharing it with everyone. They love to run and jump and want to try agility courses someday! They're a speedy little pup and it'll only take a second for you to become their very best friend!

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the colorful hound puppy

Bacon has a nose for both treats and fun! They're the life of a party and love to entertain, whether by doing a silly trick or telling an interesting story! They're always looking to have a good time, but enjoy spending time on their own or with their best friends as well, being cozy and listening to their favorite stories.

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the colorful bichon puppy

Butterscotch is very calm for a puppy, but still has lots of energy! They love to spend time with people and help them chill out. They love to listen to classical music, but also enjoy the occasional rock song as well. They love their friends with all their heart and would do anything for them!

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the colorful st. bernard puppy

Gigi is an incredibly talented pup! They want to try almost everything under the sun and have so much fun getting to learn new things! Being new to life means getting to experience so many wonderful and different things. Every single day is a new adventure!

shop all gigi products




the colorful shepherd puppy

Pretzel is the happiest most excited lil pup you'll ever meet! They love to run and hike and spend time out in nature, looking at wildlife and plants! They love camping and stargazing with their friends and roasted marshmallows are one of their favorite treats!

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meet even more puppies!