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puppy bandana sewing pattern pdf download!

Hello friends! I wanted to make this quick little pattern showing how to make your own bandana for your puppy! This is the pattern I developed myself to figure out how to make it fit just right on the pup! This is my first attempt at making a pattern to share, not just to use myself, so please let me know if you have any feedback on how it could be better!

You can download the pattern here: bandana sewing pattern

A few things to note! There are two patterns - one for a finished edge bandana, and one for a raw edge, no-sew bandana! The no-sew pattern is essentially just cutting out the shape, but raw edges can fray so if you'd like to avoid that, finished edge is the way to go!

My fabric recommendation for these is a thin, non-stretchy fabric, like cotton or a thin polyester. If you use something like fleece or flannel for the bandana and do the finished edge version with two layers, it may come out a little bulky, but those would be good options for the no-sew version.

One thing I didn't have room to mention fully in the full instructions is that you may want to trim the edges of the fabric after sewing so it's easier to turn inside out! my other suggestion is that for a more finished look, you can go around the edges again at about a 1/16th inch after the bandana has been turned inside out, so the edges are more crisp! sewing that close to the edge however is tricky, so I wouldn't recommend it unless you are hand sewing or have experience with a sewing machine. You could also do a larger seam than that if you'd like!

- han <3

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